Short Synopsis: Adele Oni stars as Jade, a successful freelance photographer who is hopelessly in love with her best friend of 10 years, bar manager Danny (played by Kadeem Pearse). She discovers through several challenging encounters both personally and professionally that the one thing keeping them from happy ever after is her inherent beauty – her complexion and skin tone. Her shade.
Starring new British talent, Adele Oni and Kadeem Pearse, the “No Shade” storyline focuses on colourism and is told through the prism of love, relationships, dating and marriage written, directed and co-starring Clare Anyiam-Osigwe. The cast also features Clare Anyiam-Osigwe, Algie Salmon-Fattahian, Jade Asha, Zephryn Taitte, Sharea Samuels, Fred Lancaster, Shone Romulus, Tenisha White, Lonyo Engele, Veronica Jean Trickett, Chris Preddie OBE, Paula Masterton, Joel Grizzle, Justin Chinyere, Kele Le Roc and Judith Jacob.
What is Colourism: Prejudice or discrimination against individuals with a dark skin tone, typically among people of the same ethnic or racial group.
British film No Shade looks at issues surrounding dating and colourism. Colourism is prejudice against people who have a darker skin tone – and/or the preferential treatment of those who are of the same race but lighter-skinned. – BBC.CO.UK
Colourism has become a hot topic of conversation in the United States thanks to the predominantly dark-skinned cast in Black Panther and recent comments made about Beyonce’s skin tone by her father Matthew Knowles, former manager of Destiny’s Child.
And with movies such as Dear White People and Get Out coming to the fore, BUFF is looking to explore these themes from a Black British perspective. The move into production suggests that BUFF is diversifying into original programming having exhibited films since its’ inception in 2005.
“The release of No Shade, written and directed by Clare Anyiam-Osigwe who also co-stars, is testament to her many talents and the brilliant cast we’ve assembled. We hope that the movie will appeal to film fans not just in the UK but all over the world, from Houston to Holland,” said producer and U.K Distributor of No Shade, Emmanuel Anyiam-Osigwe.