No Shade DVD – Region 2

mock up

Region 1+2 DVD's are playable in: U.K, Europe with Greenland, Egypt, West Asia, Japan, South Africa + French Guiana and USA



Told through the prism of love, relationships, dating and marriage, No Shade provides a raw perspective on the issue of colourism and what happens when looking for love in the right place, goes wrong.

No Shade explores the hardships of the modern dating world through the dysmorphic presence of colorism as well as the fetishization of black women in a way that is tactful and honest. Jade is both effervescent and relatable as a 28 year old single woman of dark complexion who just “can't seem to get it right,” let alone liberate herself from her unrequited love for the repressive and colorist Danny. The world through her eyes is both a quirky and tumultuous obstacle course of courtship catastrophes and heart-gripping silences. Despite Jade's line up of Tinder flops and her challenges in the friend-zone, she is easy to engage with and adorable. Jade's charisma, quirk, beauty, vulnerability and perseverance throughout the film make her a thoughtful heroine with a twist of comedic spunk in the end.


Contact us if you are a educational institution and would like wholesale price for 30 or more units 

Old Price: £12.00

Price: £5.00

You save: £7.00